Big nerd ,who isn't honestly, I've as of recently been removing myself of my social media presence and so far im doing alright.
I'ts been probably a month now since I've gotten off social media and I do not plan to return back as I've realized for personal reasons it's not within my interests to do so.
hello hi hello my name is datura, I'm Filipino and Swedish dude located in norcal, I have varying interests in several different hobbies.
I'm currently 21 as of making this website dunno if I'll be updating this website later in life but if i am how's life doing so far?
heres a way back home!A bit generalizing but it's what I have to do before this whole subpage turns into a chapter book of each specific video game, music genre and movies im into.
hoping to add links to even more subpages to each interests so that i can showcase what specifically im into on those pages heres hoping i dont reach my max storage of 1gb
everything on this website is one big amalgamation of a bunch of websites I found interesting so feel free to use my website to make your own!!